He was shot at around 8 in the evening after attending his girlfriend’s baby shower in New Orleans.
Before police arrived, his body just lay on the street. It attracted quite a large crowd.
Someone in the crowd, and maybe more than one person, took pictures of Messy Mya’s bloodied body.
What followed was much worse.
That person published the photograph on the internet and Twitter users circulated the picture.
Latin In America informs us: Messy Mya was a classic example of how the Internet and viral sites like YouTube can help artists become superstars over night. Messy Mya was known for his funny, provocative videos that caused an uproar with fans.
LA Late reports: Death photos of Messy Mya (aka Messy Maya) were reported posted online Sunday after Mya was murdered in New Orleans. The photos posted Sunday evening and re-tweeted were removed by Monday morning.
Celibrity Smack! Tells us: Although a motive for the shooting isn’t clear yet, we hear that Messy Mya was shot after busting someone’s balls.
Messy Mya’s Facebook page even has a pic of the ultrasound of his baby.
Messy Mya was a comedian and posted his acts on YouTube.
It was reported that he may have had a run-in with someone who then shot and killed him.
He leaves a girlfriend who is carrying his baby.
It is a shame that someone would kill another person over what was probably a minor problem.
It is also horrific that someone would take and post the death picture for the world to gawk over.
RIP Messy. Let’s pray for the comfort of his child and girlfriend.
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