1. He looks sexy scruffy and cleaned up.
2. He has spent time on the small screen and the big screen.
3. You've probably seen him on a motorcycle.
Based on Twitter (#sexiestmanalive) and gossip blogs, here are our top five contenders for the annual honor:
1. Jon Hamm - The first clue seems to point most strongly to the dashing Mad Men star, whose starched-and-shaved character Don Draper is a major contrast to his scruffy-and-casual off-screen look. He also rode a motorcycle during appearances on 30 Rock and SNL and had major roles in two 2010 feature films (The Town and Howl).
2. Hugh Laurie - The charismatic House star is known to commute on a motorcycle, and looks just as handsome with or without the five o'clock shadow. The second clue, however, makes us wonder; Laurie has been concentrating on TV since House began and hasn't made a notable feature film in a long time.
3. Robert Pattinson - Another actor who's impeccably cleaned up in his signature role (Edward Cullen in the Twilight movies), and charmingly scruffy in real life. He rode a motorcycle in a famous Harper's Bazaar photo shoot with costar Kristen Stewart. But... TV? Does being awkwardly charming on talk shows count?
4. Taylor Lautner - The first clue could refer to Lautner's dual Twilight identity as human stud and werewolf. He also rides a motorcycle in the films, and got his start as a child actor on TV. But there's one big reason we're doubting this one: Lautner is 18, and People has never picked a teen for the title.
5. James Franco - The hot indie actor of the moment, he's been scruffy and polished, a TV star (Freaks and Geeks) and a movie star (this year's Howl and 127 Hours). Although we can clearly picture him on a motorcycle, we can't recall any specific instances.
Other popular guesses include Patrick Dempsey, Bradley Cooper, Jake Gyllenhaal, as well as perennial favorites Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt and George Clooney (all of whom have won twice). Last year, iVillage readers correctly guessed that Johnny Depp would be crowned the sexiest man. So, who's your pick for 2010?
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