Saturday, November 13, 2010

Jessica Lynch

U.S Army veteran Jessica Lynch talks about her experience as a P.O.W. behind enemy lines, and how she's still being blamed for the hype surrounding her 2003 rescue.

Dr. Gregory L. Cotton (1SG, Army Retired).

I retired from the Army as a First Sergeant in 2005. I was very proud of Jessica Lynch then, and proud of her now. She told the truth about what happened to her despite the efforts of the Army trying to turn her ordeal into a made for television movie. I understand what the Army was trying to do...we all want our heroes. Remember how the Army also attempted to turn NFL player turned Army Ranger into a hero after his death? His parents just wanted the truth.
Jessica Lynch is a hero to me because she had a job to do and did it. I can't tell you how many people over the years deserted the military because they did not want to go into a hostile area. She knew the risks when she signed up and did her job. Pat Tillman is also my hero. He did not have to join the Army...he had money and fame but wanted to serve his country. He could have more than likely taken a specialty with less risk, but he did not want that. He wanted to be among the elite Army Rangers. I have nothing but respect for both Jessica and Pat, and for all individuals that put their lives on the line for our country.


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