Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lee Ann Rimes

Le Ann has been completely ridiculed for having an affair with her now live-in boyfriend Eddie. But in an interview with ABC’s Robin Roberts she attempted to convince us she’s not a man-stealer — did you buy it?

LeAnn Rimes broke down in tears during her highly anticipated ABC interview Nov. 3 and you couldn’t help but feel sort of bad for her. The Grammy award-winning country singer has been at the center of a highly publicized love triangle with actor Eddie Cibrian. The couple met on the set of their made-for-TV movie, Northern Lights in 2009, but there was one little problem — Eddie was married with TWO kids!

“You have two couples whose marriages didn’t work,” she told ABC’s Robin Roberts. “We stumbled upon each other and fell in love. Never was I thinking of hurting someone. I can’t change minds. Nothing I’m going to say is going to change it. I do know that and I have accepted that.”

But LeAnn kept saying that she couldn’t understand why people were so hard on her this past year. It seems LeAnn forgot that she was the other woman, and at the same time was married to her own husband of seven years, Dean Sheremet. Eddie had been married to Brandi Glanville for 8 years, and he just up and left her for LeAnn!

“The fact that anyone would print that without actually even talking to my side was shocking,” in reference to stories written about her ruining Eddie’s marriage to Brandi. “That’s just not me. What happened is not who I am, period. But I do know how much I love him. So I’ve always said I don’t live my life with regret. I can’t.”

Eddie and LeAnn have both finalized their divorces and Eddie now lives with LeAnn in her LA home. He even took a moment to join LeAnn’s ABC interview.

“The truth is that we’re human beings,” he said. “We make mistakes and we learn from them, but we’re human. We fell in love. We’re talking about something that’s over a year, year and-a-half old, really and we’re still together and we’re madly in love. And I think people are finally seeing that, but it doesn’t mean that people will accept it or the tabloids will stop trying to print lies and try to tear us apart or tear us down. We’re really happy in what we feel privately,” LeAnn chimed in. “We hope [that] one day, I think people will feel publicly.”



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