Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Part 2 of 3 this week, South Park fans! We rejoin the town's tiny superheroes in their quest to defeat the dark lord Cthulhu. Here's our summary of the latest installment in the Coon saga...

South Park recap: Season 14, episode 11 'Mysterion Rises' (11/3/10)

Mysterion introduces us to this week's episode with a sweet comic-panel sequence! He confesses that unlike his fellow superheroes, Mysterion does, indeed, have a secret power. He vows to reveal his identity to the world (and the audience!)

A local news program does a human interest story on the Coon and Friends bake sale. We also get our first official Coon and Friends Roll Call:

The Human Kite
Mintberry Crunch!
Why's Cartman missing? They let the Coon go because he was being "a dick." They're still using the name Coon and Friends because it pisses Cartman off. Meanwhile, Cartman himself, in full costume, is headed out to New Orleans to confront Cthulhu head-on. A little girl recognizes him, but only wants to know about Mintberry Crunch. Cartman responds with a flurry of claw-swipes, which trigger another comic book sequence--this one a little different from reality...

We learn (in another comic sequence) Captain Hindsight got his hindsight from "a retroactive spider." He also apparently has three trust companions: Coulda, Shoulda, and Woulda.

Back at the bake sale, a Cthulhu cultist buys some lemon bars. Freaky. He spills the beans about the Necronomicon. Coon and Friends head back to base and discover Captain Hindsight has raided it, searching for evidence about the smear campaign that has laid him low. The trail leads back to Butters/Prof. Chaos, imprisoned in the Coon Holding Cell. Butters confesses Cartman's trick from last episode, and Mysterion clears things up. He dares Hindsight to kill him...prompting the other heroes to leave the tense situation. They all refer to him as "Kenny." Is this the big reveal?!

The Coon finally makes it to Cthulhu...and tries to call a truce with the big guy. Cartman looks Cthulhu in the eye (apparently succeeding on his Sanity check) and tells the Great Old One to send his former friends into the darkness of eternal oblivion.

Hindsight and Mysterion try to hash things out. Hindsight is pretty bummed about his powers: "As soon as something bad happens, I immediately know how it could've been avoided. I can't take it anymore!" Mysterion reveals his own power/curse: "I can't die." He takes Hindsight through your basic "They killed Kenny" gag! Turns out whenever he dies, no matter what happens after, he ends up back in his bed, wearing the same clothes--and his friends don't even remember. Yep, the story checks out. Spooky! That explains why he was so willing to call Hindsight's bluff a couple scenes prior.

Tony Hayward films yet another apology video, asking his audience, "What should I do?" Mysterion, Hindsight and the Coon all echo the question, dealing with their various trials: Cartman wonders if he should rejoin Coon and Friends (he doesn't), Hindsight plots to remove his own powers, and Tony Hayward brainstorms new and exciting apologies.

Coon and Friends hunt down some info on the Necronomicon. Mysterion isn't acting turns out his parents are two of the ten Cthulhu cultists that were arrested in South Park a decade ago. P.S. Clyde is the Mosquito.

A new comic sequence chronicles the Coon's renewed attempt to sway Cthulhu to his side. He tries to win over the big guy with kindness this time. It turns out Cthulhu has a playful side!

Mysterion visits his parents, who are...getting high. Lame. He asks his folks about their cultist past, and they confess that they only went to the meetings for the free beer. Mysterion does manage to find out from his parents that the cult meets at the Mackelroy house.

Cthulu has called for a press conference! Cartman announces the official merger of Cthulhu...and the Coon.

The South Park cult is ready to party! Coon and Friends show up on the scene and identify the goth kids, the shop class teacher, and a couple geeky guys they know as cultists. The cult leader reads one of the Necronomicon's most famous couplets:

That is not dead which can eternal lie,

And with strange aeons even death may die.

Mysterion is intrigued...

Meanwhile, Captain Hindsight has successfully de-powered himself and quit the hero scene. Mysterion shows up to interrogate the goth kids about the Necronomicon lines. The tiniest goth brandishes a switch blade, and two cultists appear on the scene. They enlist the aid of the goths in dispatching Mysterion.

There is a Cthulhu song. It sounds just like the tune from My Neighbor Totoro only it's about senseless destruction.

The other Friends arrive to save Mysterion, but the goths manage to kill him first. Of course, it's Kenny, so he manages to survive. The Friends rouse him from bed, asking why he ran away...


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